A grandfather may encourage his grandchildren to seek college or advanced degrees and thus transfer assets to an entity, such as a 529 plan, for the purpose of current or future education funding. That may be a much more tax-efficient move than having those assets transferred after death to fund college when the beneficiaries are of college age. The latter may trigger multiple tax events that can severely limit the amount of funding available to the kids.

The purpose of a living will is to make your intentions known, so that your family and your doctors will be able to lawfully act in accordance with your wishes. Once completed, discuss your wishes as reflected in your living will with family members, and be sure they have a signed copy. A living will, or advance directive, is not a part of your Will, and must be completed separately.

The power of attorney is effective as soon as the principal signs it. However, a durable power of attorney executed before Oct. 1, 2011, that is contingent on the incapacity of the principal (sometimes called a “springing” power) remains valid but is not effective until the principal’s incapacity has been certified by a physician. Springing powers of attorney may not have been created after Sept. 30, 2011.

·        I do not expect that my wife and my children will die before I do, but it is possible. If any grandchildren are under the age of 18, any assets will not go to them but rather to a guardian appointed by the Court until they are 18. The fact that my grandchildren might inherit from me but be underage means that my assets may be diverted into the hands of a random guardian appointed by the Court.

What if you have a living will and a health care agent, and there’s a conflict? Let’s pretend a new medical treatment came up recently. Your health care agent learned about the procedure from your doctor and knows it’s something you would want to try based on your previous talks. But your living will didn’t specify this treatment as something you would be open to (because it’s a new thing you couldn’t have predicted would be developed when writing your living will).
There are several identify theft protection services that help people avoid and mitigate the effects of identity theft. Typically, such services provide information helping people to safeguard their personal information; monitor public records, as well as private records such as credit reports, to alert their clients of certain transactions and status changes; and provide assistance to victims to help them resolve problems associated with identity theft.
You are in a vegetative state: A living will may also take effect if you stay in a long lasting or permanent vegetative state. A vegetative state means that your mental functions are reduced or lost, but your basic body functions still work. Your mental functions include your ability to think, be aware, or be fully conscious or awake. Your healthcare providers will not expect you to regain these functions if you are in a vegetative state. You will not be able to communicate, interact with others, or live as you did before. A severe brain injury can sometimes lead to a persistent or permanent vegetative state.
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