In Canada, Privacy Act (federal legislation) covers only federal government, agencies and crown corporations. Each province and territory has its own privacy law and privacy commissioners to limit the storage and use of personal data. For the private sector, the purpose of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ( 2000, c. 5 ) (known as PIPEDA) is to establish rules to govern the collection, use and disclosure of personal information; except for the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia where provincial laws have been deemed substantially similar.
When you use a will, however, after you pass away title to property passes from you to the estate and its executor. Eventually it passes to the final beneficiaries. The probate court supervises the process. If you become disabled, whoever holds your power of attorney has to present it to financial institutions and have them accept it before your assets can be managed. If there’s no power of attorney or financial institutions won’t accept it, the courts become involved.

Estate planning is an ongoing process and should be started as soon as an individual has any measurable asset base. As life progresses and goals shift, the estate plan should shift in line with new goals. Lack of adequate estate planning can cause undue financial burdens to loved ones (estate taxes can run as high as 40%), so at the very least a will should be set up—even if the taxable estate is not large.
The type of information taken during a breach can vary widely depending on what personal info the company has stored, and what the perpetrator is able to access. Sometimes, the types of info stolen can also depend on the purpose of the breach, which could vary from making a political statement to a hacker simply “showing off”. Perpetrators that are committing breaches for financial gain generally target personal information that can be resold on the dark web and be used for identity fraud, focusing on info like full names, email addresses, passwords, Social Security number, date of birth and driver’s license number to name a few.

It's important that your family members and care providers know your preferences for end-of-life care. When you have a Living Will, you're making your wishes clear. It's difficult to think about potentially devastating situations, but preparation is key. If you haven't put your choices in writing, your family members may be forced to make tough decisions for you.

If you desire to have more control over your medical treatment in the event you are unable to make them for yourself, you will need to create a medical power of attorney. Just like a Living Will, you will need to select an agent who will behold your medical wishes and makes certain that those wishes are carried out successfully. Completing both a living will and a medical power of attorney form are recommended.
Decide what type of power of attorney is right for you. There are different types of powers of attorney that you may want to execute, depending on your situation. Some cover only financial issues, whereas others address health care issues.[2] These powers of attorney can either become effective immediately, or on a future date, when you are unable to make decisions on your own behalf, due to disability, illness, or injury. The state of Texas has established a Statutory Durable Power of Attorney law[3] that allows you to choose the type of power of attorney that best accomplishes your goals.
A power of attorney can last, notwithstanding the incapacity of the donor, only if it is a lasting power of attorney: this is a separate and quite different type of power, which must be in a prescribed form, and, to be valid, once signed and witnessed must also be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.[citation needed] This new type of power of attorney was introduced in 2007 under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. It replaces the former enduring power of attorney, although enduring powers correctly made before the law changed remain valid. Enduring powers were very different, as they only needed to be registered if the donor later lost capacity.

           Estate plans combine three elements: learning from the past, adapting to the present and anticipating the future. The document generators codify learning from the past through their processes and procedures. A Power of Attorney Holder or a Personal Representative adapts to the present. Only planning, with the help of a professional advisor, anticipates the future.
There are a few actions that an agent is prohibited from doing even if the power of attorney states that the action is authorized. An agent, unless also a licensed member of The Florida Bar, may not practice law in Florida. An agent may not sign a document stating that the principal has knowledge of certain facts. For example, if the principal was a witness to a car accident, the agent may not sign an affidavit stating what the principal saw or heard. An agent may not vote in a public election on behalf of the principal. An agent may not create or revoke a will or codicil for the principal. If the principal was under contract to perform a personal service (i.e., to paint a portrait or provide care services), the agent is not authorized to do these things in the place of the principal. Likewise, if someone had appointed the principal to be trustee of a trust or if the court appointed the principal to be a guardian or conservator, the agent may not take over these responsibilities based solely on the authority of a power of attorney.
In financial situations wherein a principal requests a securities broker to perform extensive investment functions on the principal's behalf, independent of the principal's advice, power of attorney must be formally granted to the broker to trade in the principal's account. This rule also applies to principals who instruct their brokers to perform certain specific trades and principals who trust their brokers to perform certain trades in the principal's best interest.[citation needed]

People often have a Living Will just to clarify their preferences when it comes to life support options. Life support is needed when you become dependent in order to survive. You can opt to have your life support withdrawn if your condition worsens to a point that is not satisfactory with your living standards. In our example, Greg Smith wishes to withdraw from life support if he falls into a chronic coma or vegetative state.

In some U.S. states and other jurisdictions, it is possible to grant a springing power of attorney; i.e., a power that takes effect only after the incapacity of the grantor or some other definite future act or circumstance.[10] After such incapacitation the power is identical to a durable power, but cannot be invoked before the incapacity. This power may be used to allow a spouse or family member to manage the grantor's affairs in case illness or injury makes the grantor unable to act.[17] If a springing power is used, the grantor should specify exactly how and when the power springs into effect. As the result of privacy legislation in the U.S., medical doctors will often not reveal information relating to capacity of the principal unless the power of attorney specifically authorizes them to do so.
When a criminal fraudulently identifies themselves to police as another individual at the point of arrest, it is sometimes referred to as "Criminal Identity Theft." In some cases, criminals have previously obtained state-issued identity documents using credentials stolen from others, or have simply presented a fake ID. Provided the subterfuge works, charges may be placed under the victim's name, letting the criminal off the hook. Victims might only learn of such incidents by chance, for example by receiving a court summons, discovering their drivers licenses are suspended when stopped for minor traffic violations, or through background checks performed for employment purposes.
There are several identify theft protection services that help people avoid and mitigate the effects of identity theft. Typically, such services provide information helping people to safeguard their personal information; monitor public records, as well as private records such as credit reports, to alert their clients of certain transactions and status changes; and provide assistance to victims to help them resolve problems associated with identity theft.
Suppose you become mentally incompetent due to illness or accident while you have a power of attorney in effect. Will the document remain valid? To safeguard against any problems, you can sign a durable power of attorney. This is simply a general, special, or health care POA that has a durability provision to keep the current power of attorney in effect.
The increase in crimes of identity theft led to the drafting of the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act.[54] In 1998, The Federal Trade Commission appeared before the United States Senate.[55] The FTC discussed crimes which exploit consumer credit to commit loan fraud, mortgage fraud, lines-of-credit fraud, credit card fraud, commodities and services frauds. The Identity Theft Deterrence Act (2003)[ITADA] amended U.S. Code Title 18, § 1028 ("Fraud related to activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features, and information"). The statute now makes the possession of any "means of identification" to "knowingly transfer, possess, or use without lawful authority" a federal crime, alongside unlawful possession of identification documents. However, for federal jurisdiction to prosecute, the crime must include an "identification document" that either: (a) is purportedly issued by the United States, (b) is used or intended to defraud the United States, (c) is sent through the mail, or (d) is used in a manner that affects interstate or foreign commerce. See 18 U.S.C. § 1028(c). Punishment can be up to 5, 15, 20, or 30 years in federal prison, plus fines, depending on the underlying crime per 18 U.S.C. § 1028(b). In addition, punishments for the unlawful use of a "means of identification" were strengthened in § 1028A ("Aggravated Identity Theft"), allowing for a consecutive sentence under specific enumerated felony violations as defined in § 1028A(c)(1) through (11).[56]
FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT: You have numerous rights under the FCRA, including the right to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report(s). Consumer reporting agencies are required to investigate and respond to your dispute, but are not obligated to change or remove accurate information that is reported in compliance with applicable law. While this plan can provide you assistance in filing a dispute, the FCRA allows you to file a dispute for free with a consumer reporting agency without the assistance of a third party.
Many of the provisions in American law, described in the sections above, use terminology having different meaning from both common British usage and from the terms used in the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Examples are 'enduring power of attorney', 'advance directive', and 'notary public': in English law, these terms do not have the same meaning as they have in America.
Your hospital and healthcare providers should have the forms or worksheets that are used for your state. Each state has rules for living wills and other advanced directives. Most states allow advanced directives prepared in one state to be used in another state. You may still want to create living wills for more than one state if you travel often or spend time in another state.

You have a terminal illness: The doctors must also decide that you have a terminal or other condition that falls under your state's living will law. Each state may define terminal illness in a different way. Your state may use terms such as permanent unconsciousness (not awake or aware), or irreversible condition (a condition that will not get better). Your state may have other rules that control when a living will takes effect.
Determining the link between data breaches and identity theft is challenging, primarily because identity theft victims often do not know how their personal information was obtained, and identity theft is not always detectable by the individual victims, according to a report done for the FTC.[6] Identity fraud is often but not necessarily the consequence of identity theft. Someone can steal or misappropriate personal information without then committing identity theft using the information about every person, such as when a major data breach occurs. A US Government Accountability Office study determined that "most breaches have not resulted in detected incidents of identity theft".[7] The report also warned that "the full extent is unknown". A later unpublished study by Carnegie Mellon University noted that "Most often, the causes of identity theft is not known", but reported that someone else concluded that "the probability of becoming a victim to identity theft as a result of a data breach is ... around only 2%".[8] More recently,[when?] an association of consumer data companies noted that one of the largest data breaches ever, accounting for over four million records, resulted in only about 1,800 instances of identity theft, according to the company whose systems were breached.[citation needed]

A declaration of trust will also provide the basic terms of the trust. Your estate stays private and passes directly to your heirs, you do not pay a probate attorney or court costs, and your loved ones may be able to avoid being tied up in probate court for what could be a year or more. From this planner’s perspective, a trust can be a fantastic choice for estate transfer.

            By going through the planning process and acting today my client’s family to handle those situations, the client, and their family, can anticipate the future. What is the value of being able to avoid risks and take advantage of opportunities? May times what my fees are. So, the fees paid to me today that avoids substantial risk to yourself and your family is worth every cent.
We are a boutique firm handling Prenuptial Agreements, Post Nuptial Agreements, Wills, Trust & Estates, Divorce and Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice. *Divorce (Retainers start at $5000) *Pre and Post Nuptials *Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning * PI and Medical Malpraice We offer a FREE CONSULTATION and FLAT RATE PRICING (for Prenups, Postnups and Wills, Trusts & Estates). For Divorce Inquiries: You probably have a lot of questions about the process, what to expect, the cost, how assets are divided and if you have children what a parenting plan might look like. Retainers for an uncontested/contested divorce start at $5,000. ... View Profile