What if you have a living will and a health care agent, and there’s a conflict? Let’s pretend a new medical treatment came up recently. Your health care agent learned about the procedure from your doctor and knows it’s something you would want to try based on your previous talks. But your living will didn’t specify this treatment as something you would be open to (because it’s a new thing you couldn’t have predicted would be developed when writing your living will).
When you're facing legal challenges related to criminal or family law in Grand Prairie or Mansfield, TX, turn to an experienced lawyer you can trust. The Law Office of David T. Gilchrist is ready to help you face your case with confidence. We offer two locations and can even bring our services to you. Take control of your case and schedule a free initial consultation with us today!

Yes. Agents must meet certain standards of care when performing their duties. An agent is looked upon as a “fiduciary” under the law. A fiduciary relationship is one of trust. If the agent violates this trust, the law may punish the agent both civilly (by ordering the payment of restitution and punishment money) and criminally (probation or jail). The standards of care that apply to agents are discussed under “Financial Management and the Liability of an Agent.”

Philippines, which ranks eighth in the numbers of users of Facebook and other social networking sites such as Twitter, Multiply and Tumblr, has been known as source of various identity theft problems.[46] Identities of those people who carelessly put personal information on their profiles can easily be stolen just by simple browsing. There are people who meet online, get to know each other through the free Facebook chat and exchange of messages that then leads to sharing of private information. Others get romantically involved with their online friends that they tend to give too much information such as their social security number, bank account and even personal basic information such as home address and company address.

Within reason, you can address how you would like them to use what you have left them. While children, natural or adopted, have a statutory right to inherit, a will allows you to disinherit a child if you choose to do so (check your state laws for the specific details about this). A person can disinherit a spouse as well, under certain circumstances. However, you will need to be aware of the laws governing your state—whether it is a common law state, a community property state, or an equitable distribution state; a person may only disinherit a spouse in a community property state. Each has a different set of stipulations on what and how much can be disinherited. Note, too, that a person can only disinherit a spouse or child through a will.
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You might also sign a durable power of attorney to prepare for the possibility that you may become mentally incompetent due to illness or injury. Specify in the power of attorney that it cannot go into effect until a doctor certifies you as mentally incompetent. You may name a specific doctor who you wish to determine your competency, or require that two licensed physicians agree on your mental state.

If you're looking to create a living will in a cost-effective way, you could download a free living will form from a source that you trust, such as RocketLawyer.com or LawDepot.com, or get a form at your local hospital and have it notarized at your bank for around $10 or $15. These templates are often comprehensive and provide space for you to list the names of your physicians as well as emergency contact numbers. These forms also address specific situations, such as pregnancy; on the form, you can specify your wishes for medical care in the event you become incapacitated.
Estate planning is an ongoing process and should be started as soon as an individual has any measurable asset base. As life progresses and goals shift, the estate plan should shift in line with new goals. Lack of adequate estate planning can cause undue financial burdens to loved ones (estate taxes can run as high as 40%), so at the very least a will should be set up—even if the taxable estate is not large.
For a power of attorney to become a legally enforceable document, at a minimum it must be signed and dated by the principal.[7] Some jurisdictions also require that a power of attorney be witnessed, notarized, or both.[8] Even when not required, having the document reviewed and signed (and often stamped) by a notary public may increase the likelihood of withstanding a legal challenge.[9]
A Living Will typically has a more narrow focus and directly communicates your end-of-life healthcare decisions, while a Durable Power of Attorney grants authority to an agent to make decisions and take action on your behalf, such as managing your finances, your real estate, or your business. Similar to a Living Will, a Durable Power of Attorney is valid even after you are no longer able to communicate or make decisions on your own.

This is another strategy that can be used to limit death taxes. It involves an individual locking in the current value and thus, tax liability, of their property, while attributing the value of future growth of that capital property to another person. Any increase that occurs in the value of the assets in the future is transferred to the benefit of another person, such as a spouse, child, or grandchild.

There are a few actions that an agent is prohibited from doing even if the power of attorney states that the action is authorized. An agent, unless also a licensed member of The Florida Bar, may not practice law in Florida. An agent may not sign a document stating that the principal has knowledge of certain facts. For example, if the principal was a witness to a car accident, the agent may not sign an affidavit stating what the principal saw or heard. An agent may not vote in a public election on behalf of the principal. An agent may not create or revoke a will or codicil for the principal. If the principal was under contract to perform a personal service (i.e., to paint a portrait or provide care services), the agent is not authorized to do these things in the place of the principal. Likewise, if someone had appointed the principal to be trustee of a trust or if the court appointed the principal to be a guardian or conservator, the agent may not take over these responsibilities based solely on the authority of a power of attorney.

A power of attorney can last, notwithstanding the incapacity of the donor, only if it is a lasting power of attorney: this is a separate and quite different type of power, which must be in a prescribed form, and, to be valid, once signed and witnessed must also be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.[citation needed] This new type of power of attorney was introduced in 2007 under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. It replaces the former enduring power of attorney, although enduring powers correctly made before the law changed remain valid. Enduring powers were very different, as they only needed to be registered if the donor later lost capacity.
The Texas real estate power of attorney document is one that can be completed to enable a real estate agent to act on behalf of a homeowner or buyer. The powers granted to the agent, or attorney-in-fact, can include selling, purchasing, managing, and refinancing real estate. The term of the arrangement can be defined in one of three (3) ways; durable (terminate upon revocation or on…
Find someone you trust. It is difficult to choose just anyone to act for you as your agent. With respect to your finances, you want to make sure that the person you choose is someone is responsible and disciplined enough to handle all matters related to your financial affairs. Likewise, with respect to healthcare decisions, you need to choose a person who is aware of your wishes concerning your healthcare and who will make the appropriate decisions based on those wishes if you are unable to do so.

In child identity theft, someone uses a child's identity for various forms of personal gain. This is common, as children typically do not have information associated with them that could pose obstacles for the perpetrator, who may use the child's name and Social Security number to obtain a residence, find employment, obtain loans or avoid arrest on outstanding warrants. Often, the victim is a family member, child of a friend or someone else close to the perpetrator. Some people even steal the personal information of deceased loves ones.
The only legal requirements to be an agent are that the person is of sound mind and at least eighteen years of age. Your agent must be someone whom you trust. Your agent has the legal obligation to act in your best interest, to keep records of transactions, not to mix your property with his, and not to engage in any conflict of interest. However, an agent still has the potential to act unlawfully, so it is important to trust the person you select.
The IRS has created[when?] the IRS Identity Protection Specialized Unit to help taxpayers' who are victims of federal tax-related identity theft.[72] Generally, the identity thief will use a stolen SSN to file a forged tax return and attempt to get a fraudulent refund early in the filing season. A taxpayer will need to fill out Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit.[73][74]
While identity theft can happen to anyone, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk. If you think someone is using your personal information to open accounts, file taxes, or make purchases, visit IdentityTheft.gov to report and recover from identity theft. Looking for identity theft resources to share in your community? Visit ftc.gov/idtheft.
Founded in 1946 as the Dallas Estate Council, incorporated in 1975 as the Dallas Estate Planning Council, we are a non-profit professional association. The primary mission of the Dallas Estate Planning Council is to provide our members with the latest tools and techniques in estate planning. Our programs generally qualify for continuing education credit for attorneys, CPAs, insurance agents, CFPs and in the CTFA trust management program of the American Bankers Association. The Council strives to foster understanding of the proper relationship between the functions of the disciplines and to encourage co-operation of persons acting under those disciplines. This web site will provide our members with new services and opportunities to share resources and information not only with our own members but also with other estate planning councils throughout the country.
You can also write a letter of instruction to leave step-by-step instructions as well as spell out your personal wishes for things like your funeral or what to do with your digital assets like social media accounts. If you're married, each spouse should create a separate will, with plans for the surviving spouse. Finally, make sure that all the concerned individuals have copies of these documents.
Decide if a healthcare or medical power of attorney is necessary. A healthcare or medical power of attorney gives your agent the right to make medical decisions on your behalf. These decisions might include choosing the facility to treat you, authorizing surgeries and medical procedures, and allowing treatment as recommended by medical professionals. A medical power of attorney only goes into effect when you are incapacitated due to your medical condition and unable to make decisions about your medical care on your own.[7]
Short-term and long-term treatments: You may want short-term treatments when there is a good chance that you will get better. For example, you may want a feeding tube for a short time while you recover from surgery. You may not want a permanent feeding tube if you have a severe and long-term brain injury. You may want to have a limit on the amount of time you want to have other life-sustaining treatments.
A POLST is intended for people who have already been diagnosed with a serious illness. This form does not replace your other directives. Instead, it serves as doctor-ordered instructions — not unlike a prescription — to ensure that, in case of an emergency, you receive the treatment you prefer. Your doctor will fill out the form based on the contents of your advance directives, the discussions you have with your doctor about the likely course of your illness and your treatment preferences.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2010, 7% of US households experienced identity theft - up from 5.5% in 2005 when the figures were first assembled, but broadly flat since 2007.[64] In 2012, approximately 16.6 million persons, or 7% of all U.S. residents age 16 or older, reported being victims of one or more incidents of identity theft.[65]
People often have a Living Will just to clarify their preferences when it comes to life support options. Life support is needed when you become dependent in order to survive. You can opt to have your life support withdrawn if your condition worsens to a point that is not satisfactory with your living standards. In our example, Greg Smith wishes to withdraw from life support if he falls into a chronic coma or vegetative state.
Decide what type of power of attorney is right for you. There are different types of powers of attorney that you may want to execute, depending on your situation. Some cover only financial issues, whereas others address health care issues.[2] These powers of attorney can either become effective immediately, or on a future date, when you are unable to make decisions on your own behalf, due to disability, illness, or injury. The state of Texas has established a Statutory Durable Power of Attorney law[3] that allows you to choose the type of power of attorney that best accomplishes your goals.
I was fortunate to find Rania online. We worked with her on our estate planning, getting all our documents in order. She was extremely competent, responsive and professional. I wasn’t sure how I would like working with some strictly online but she scheduled conference calls, educated us and handled it beautifully, putting my mind at ease. She was personal and genuinely cared about getting this right for us. I would highly recommend her services!