A person who acts under a power of attorney is a fiduciary. A fiduciary is someone responsible for managing some or all of another person's affairs. The fiduciary must act prudently and in a way that is fair to the person whose affairs he or she is managing. Someone who violates those duties can face criminal charges or can be held liable in a civil lawsuit.
There is an active market for buying and selling stolen personal information, which occurs mostly in darknet markets but also in other black markets.[40] People increase the value of the stolen data by aggregating it with publicly available data, and sell it again for a profit, increasing the damage that can be done to the people whose data was stolen.[41]

           None of these situations are guaranteed to occur, but they are also not utterly improbable either. Once anticipated as a possible future situation, there are actions I can take such as changing beneficiary designations, providing that assets are protected for children or grandchildren who need that protection and to getting, or replacing, the value of my practice to my wife and children at my death with insurance. Some of these actions are documents, but some are not. In either event, for my clients in similar situations, using a basic will may save them some money today, but will not prompt them to anticipate the future. By not planning, they cannot avoid risking the loss of their assets during the administration of their estates.

Yes. The agent may hire accountants, lawyers, brokers or other professionals to help with the agent’s duties but generally may not delegate the responsibilities as agent. The power of attorney was given by the principal to the agent, and the agent does not have the right to transfer that power to anyone else. It is important that the agent keep in mind the fiduciary duties when hiring professionals to help. The agent is allowed to delegate investment responsibility if the requirements of Florida Statutes Section 518.11 are followed by the agent, unless the power of attorney prohibits such a delegation.

For example, a bogus email made to look like it's from your bank may include a link that directs you to a spoof website that looks just like the one it's mimicking. Once there, the website may ask you for a username and password, or to input credit card information or your Social Security number. If something seems suspicious, it might be an attempt at identity theft.

If you are in the hospital, you or your family will be asked if you have any advance directives, such as a living will. If you do not have a living will or other advance directive, your healthcare providers may give you treatments to prolong your life. They may give you treatments you do not want. You could live for months or years with these treatments, but not be conscious or aware. You may want to limit your treatments, but your family may want you to have all treatments. If you have a living will, your healthcare providers can follow your wishes for treatment.
The Texas tax power of attorney form, also known as Form 86-113, allows another person to handle one’s tax filing. The powers granted to the tax representative permits them to perform a wide range of transactions on the behalf of the taxpayer. Such actions include providing information and discussing issues relating to an audit, receiving notices from the Comptroller, entering into written agreements, and providing…
J. Derick Winfrey is a solo practitioner who specializes in assisting his clients in many legal specialties.  Derick has an extensive background in corporate law, real estate transactions, commercial real estate, contracts, oil and gas transactions, bankruptcy, civil litigation, family law, criminal defense and estate planning.  Derick believes not only in the importance of helping his clients understand the complexities of the law and the legal process, but also in their vigorous representation.  He has a BBA in Finance from the University of Texas at Austin and received his Juris Doctor from Texas Tech University.&n ... View Profile

The requirements for a living will vary by state so many people hire a lawyer to prepare their living will. Most people can create this simple document - along with the other typical estate planning documents - without the high legal fees by using a quality software application that accounts for their state's laws. If you need to write or update a will or trust, you can take care of your living will at the same time.

Identity theft is a serious problem in the United States. In a 2018 study, it was reported that 60 million Americans identities had been wrongfully acquired.[34] In response, some new bills have been implemented to improve security, under advisement from the Identity Theft Resource Center, such as requiring electronic signatures and social security verification.[34]
            By going through the planning process and acting today my client’s family to handle those situations, the client, and their family, can anticipate the future. What is the value of being able to avoid risks and take advantage of opportunities? May times what my fees are. So, the fees paid to me today that avoids substantial risk to yourself and your family is worth every cent.
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
Estate planning is an ongoing process and should be started as soon as an individual has any measurable asset base. As life progresses and goals shift, the estate plan should shift in line with new goals. Lack of adequate estate planning can cause undue financial burdens to loved ones (estate taxes can run as high as 40%), so at the very least a will should be set up—even if the taxable estate is not large.

The majority of identity theft victims do not realize that they are a victim until it has negatively impacted their lives. Many people do not find out that their identities have been stolen until they are contacted by financial institutions or discover suspicious activities on their bank accounts.[27] According to an article by Herb Weisbaum, everyone in the US should assume that their personal information has been compromised at one point.[27] It is therefore of great importance to watch out for warning signs that your identity has been compromised. The following are eleven indicators that someone else might be using your identity.

Typically while on life support, you need extra measures to keep you alive. If there are certain life-sustaining treatments you prefer not to undergo, initial and check accordingly. In our example, Greg Smith does not wish to have ventilation treatment while on life support. Warning: Selecting to withdraw from life-sustaining treatment can lead to death, choose carefully.

Yes. If the incapacitated person executed a valid durable power of attorney before the incapacity, it may not be necessary for the court to appoint a guardian, since the agent already has the authority to act for the principal. As long as the agent has all necessary powers, it may not be necessary to file guardianship proceedings and, even when filed, guardianship may be averted by showing the court that a durable power of attorney exists and that it is appropriate to allow the agent to act on the principal’s behalf.

For a power of attorney to become a legally enforceable document, at a minimum it must be signed and dated by the principal.[7] Some jurisdictions also require that a power of attorney be witnessed, notarized, or both.[8] Even when not required, having the document reviewed and signed (and often stamped) by a notary public may increase the likelihood of withstanding a legal challenge.[9]
We are headquartered in Del Mar, CA but we service all of Califronia . . . We serve peace of mind. We're the legal network that makes your life better.  We match you with a Top Attorney, or a Senior Paralegal, in your area, depending on what you need. Our 5-Star reviews come from our expertise and impeccable customer service. To learn more about us, give us a call: ​(619) 857-9148, or send us an email: [email protected] ... View Profile