This is the first comprehensive estate-planning guide for those living with a chronic disease or disability. This book is targeted at those planning for the disbursement of their estates, no matter their size.Estate-planning is crucial for those living with a chronic disease or disability: individuals must express their preferences whether to receive long-term care at home rather than in a nursing home in the event that they become more disabled, and it is more important for one who has a chronic illness to name a power of attorney.

Third parties are often concerned whether the document is valid. They do not know if it was executed properly or forged. They do not know if it has been revoked. They do not know if the principal was competent at the time the power of attorney was signed. They do not know whether the principal has died. Third parties do not want liability for the improper use of the document. Some third parties refuse to honor powers of attorney because they believe they are protecting the principal from possible unscrupulous conduct. If your power of attorney is refused, talk to your attorney.
The principal may hold the power of attorney document until such time as help is needed and then give it to the agent. Often, a lawyer may fulfill this important role. For example, the principal may leave the power of attorney with the lawyer who prepared it, asking the lawyer to deliver it to the agent under certain specific conditions. Because the lawyer may not know if and when the principal is incapacitated, the principal should let the agent know that the lawyer has retained the signed document and will deliver it as directed. If the principal does not want the agent to be able to use the power of attorney until it is delivered, the power of attorney should clearly require the agent to possess the original, because copies of signed powers of attorney are sufficient for acceptance by third parties.
The Texas Living Will known also as an Advance Health Care Directive is to allow a person, often known as the `Principal`, to legally choose their medical treatment should they become incapacitated to such a degree that they are no longer rational to make these choices. A Texas living will requires a notary or two witnesses. The document is created in accordance with statutes §§166.031 to 166.053 and is legally binding for any periods of time stipulated by the principal
A power of attorney (POA) or letter of attorney is a written authorization to represent or act on another's behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matter. The person authorizing the other to act is the principal, grantor, or donor (of the power). The one authorized to act is the agent,[1] attorney, or in some common law jurisdictions, the attorney-in-fact.
The principal may hold the power of attorney document until such time as help is needed and then give it to the agent. Often, a lawyer may fulfill this important role. For example, the principal may leave the power of attorney with the lawyer who prepared it, asking the lawyer to deliver it to the agent under certain specific conditions. Because the lawyer may not know if and when the principal is incapacitated, the principal should let the agent know that the lawyer has retained the signed document and will deliver it as directed. If the principal does not want the agent to be able to use the power of attorney until it is delivered, the power of attorney should clearly require the agent to possess the original, because copies of signed powers of attorney are sufficient for acceptance by third parties.

If the power of attorney was properly executed under the other state’s laws, then it may be used in Florida, but its use will be subject to Florida’s Power of Attorney Act and other state laws. The agent may act only as authorized by Florida law and the terms of the power of attorney. There are additional requirements for real estate transactions in Florida, and if the power of attorney does not comply with those requirements its use may be limited to banking and other non-real estate transactions. The third party also may request an opinion of counsel that the power of attorney was properly executed in accordance with the laws of the other state.
The following is a fee schedule for estate planning services involving non-taxable estates. Please note that these fees are only an estimate and may vary depending on the complexity of your unique circumstances. For example, if you have significant assets, a child with special needs, a blended family, or would like to utilize trusts, the fee will be higher. Additionally, detailed, unusual, or complex requests may increase the cost of your plan.
While you can appoint multiple agents, decide whether these agents must act jointly or separately in making decisions. Multiple agents can ensure more sound decisions, acting as checks and balances against one another. The downside is that multiple agents can disagree and one person's schedule can potentially delay important transactions or signings of legal documents.

You are in a vegetative state: A living will may also take effect if you stay in a long lasting or permanent vegetative state. A vegetative state means that your mental functions are reduced or lost, but your basic body functions still work. Your mental functions include your ability to think, be aware, or be fully conscious or awake. Your healthcare providers will not expect you to regain these functions if you are in a vegetative state. You will not be able to communicate, interact with others, or live as you did before. A severe brain injury can sometimes lead to a persistent or permanent vegetative state.
Credit Reporting Agencies - Contact one of the three major credit reporting agencies to place fraud alerts or freezes on your accounts. Also get copies of your credit reports, to be sure that no one has already tried to get unauthorized credit accounts with your personal information. Confirm that the credit reporting agency will alert the other two credit reporting agencies.
J. Derick Winfrey is a solo practitioner who specializes in assisting his clients in many legal specialties.  Derick has an extensive background in corporate law, real estate transactions, commercial real estate, contracts, oil and gas transactions, bankruptcy, civil litigation, family law, criminal defense and estate planning.  Derick believes not only in the importance of helping his clients understand the complexities of the law and the legal process, but also in their vigorous representation.  He has a BBA in Finance from the University of Texas at Austin and received his Juris Doctor from Texas Tech University.&n ... View Profile