It can be difficult for the victim of a criminal identity theft to clear their record. The steps required to clear the victim's incorrect criminal record depend in which jurisdiction the crime occurred and whether the true identity of the criminal can be determined. The victim might need to locate the original arresting officers and prove their own identity by some reliable means such as fingerprinting or DNA testing, and may need to go to a court hearing to be cleared of the charges. Obtaining an expungement of court records may also be required. Authorities might permanently maintain the victim's name as an alias for the criminal's true identity in their criminal records databases. One problem that victims of criminal identity theft may encounter is that various data aggregators might still have the incorrect criminal records in their databases even after court and police records are corrected. Thus it is possible that a future background check will return the incorrect criminal records.[13] This is just one example of the kinds of impact that may continue to affect the victims of identity theft for some months or even years after the crime, aside from the psychological trauma that being 'cloned' typically engenders.
Power of Attorney is a legal document you put in place ahead of time as part of a comprehensive estate plan. In this document you nominate other people to make decisions on your behalf if you should become incapacitated, and these can include financial decisions, medical decisions, legal decisions, and more. You can choose which decisions your nominated individuals can make on your behalf, and you can enforce time limits and stipulate specific circumstances. 
Once you've made your Living Will, you can access it anytime, anywhere, on any device. As a Rocket Lawyer Premium member, you can copy your Living Will, edit or print it out to sign and give to your primary care provider and family members. Keep in mind that many states require this document to be notarized. If your state has an end-of-life wishes database, you can also upload your Living Will there.
Procrastination is the biggest enemy of estate planning. While none of us likes to think about dying, improper or no planning can lead to family disputes, assets getting into the wrong hands, long court litigation, and excess money paid in estate taxes. So pick a time to get started. To quote Benjamin Franklin, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
Power of Attorney is a legal document you put in place ahead of time as part of a comprehensive estate plan. In this document you nominate other people to make decisions on your behalf if you should become incapacitated, and these can include financial decisions, medical decisions, legal decisions, and more. You can choose which decisions your nominated individuals can make on your behalf, and you can enforce time limits and stipulate specific circumstances. 

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Fill out your forms. You will need to fill out your power of attorney forms completely. It is advised that you have your agent, or the person whom you are granting the powers, present when you decide to fill it out. You also can have your attorney draft the forms for you. If using the statutory form, you will need to affirmatively initial each of the individual powers that you wish your agent to have. Here is the other information that you will need to provide on the forms:
If the attorney-in-fact is being paid to act on behalf of the principal, a contract for payment may be separate from the document granting power of attorney. If that separate contract is in writing, as a separate document it may be kept private between the principal and agent even when the power of attorney is presented to others for the purposes of carrying out the agent's duties.
We are headquartered in Del Mar, CA but we service all of Califronia . . . We serve peace of mind. We're the legal network that makes your life better.  We match you with a Top Attorney, or a Senior Paralegal, in your area, depending on what you need. Our 5-Star reviews come from our expertise and impeccable customer service. To learn more about us, give us a call: ​(619) 857-9148, or send us an email: [email protected] ... View Profile
J. Derick Winfrey is a solo practitioner who specializes in assisting his clients in many legal specialties.  Derick has an extensive background in corporate law, real estate transactions, commercial real estate, contracts, oil and gas transactions, bankruptcy, civil litigation, family law, criminal defense and estate planning.  Derick believes not only in the importance of helping his clients understand the complexities of the law and the legal process, but also in their vigorous representation.  He has a BBA in Finance from the University of Texas at Austin and received his Juris Doctor from Texas Tech University.&n ... View Profile