CPR and DNR: Healthcare providers use CPR to try to restart your heart if it stops beating. Sometimes electric shock is used. Consider when and how long you want CPR if you have a terminal disease or are in a long-term coma. If you do not want CPR, you can add a DNR (do not resuscitate) order to your living will. A copy of the DNR order must also go in your medical records.

We love to write wills, trusts and powers of attorney and customize them to your needs. We are detail oriented and handle several areas of law, primarily ESTATE PLANNING, WILLS & TRUSTS, PROBATE, BANKRUPTCY -all chapters debtor representation. We have over 36 years of experience and belong to professional organizations including the State Bar of Arizona.  Our clients love us. Our website is AZlegal.net
When you're facing legal challenges related to criminal or family law in Grand Prairie or Mansfield, TX, turn to an experienced lawyer you can trust. The Law Office of David T. Gilchrist is ready to help you face your case with confidence. We offer two locations and can even bring our services to you. Take control of your case and schedule a free initial consultation with us today!
Depending on the jurisdiction, a power of attorney may be oral and, whether witnessed, will hold up in court, the same as if it were in writing.[6] For some purposes, the law requires a power of attorney to be in writing. Many institutions, such as hospitals, banks and, in the United States, the Internal Revenue Service, require a power of attorney to be in writing before they will honor it, and they will usually keep a duplicate original or a copy for their records. Nursing homes often follow the same practice.
"The best people to turn to are those who have seen many iterations of living wills and have seen what works and what doesn't work. In other words, estate planners and doctors are in the best position to help you think through your choices and to understand how those choices could play out in real life," says Kimberly Hanlon, an attorney for Lucēre Legal LLC, a small business and estate law firm in Minneapolis.
AGGRESSIVE & AFFORDABLE We are a full service law firm here to meet your needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you need legal consultation or handling a court case, our team of highly skilled attorneys will walk you through every step, taking care of any issues you may have along the way. With Adam G. Hill, P.A., rest assured you can feel comfortable, safe, and confident knowing that your case is in the best hands. Get in touch with us today — we look forward to hearing from you. ... View Profile